Satellite News

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Submit on Tuesday, October 13th, 2009 05:55

“Last Thursday I heard about the [LCROSS] probe the National Aeronautics and Space Administration sent to the moon in hopes of detecting a water source there. … It didn’t land nicely — the newscaster said it was the equivalent of an SUV hitting the moon at more than 5,000 miles per hour. … What if someone or something fired back? What if the moon has something comparable to the San Andreas fault? If the next probe hits such a fault, maybe half the moon will break off and all those pieces will be headed our way.” – Cindy Toopes (who apparently never asked herself why the moon is plastered with craters) in The Ottumwa Courier. This doesn’t seem to be a spoof like The Onion but a real newspaper in a real town in Iowa, USA.

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