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Archive for December 14th, 2020

Chinese Long March 11 rocket launches satellites to hunt gravitational waves

December 14th, 2020 by

China has successfully launched a pair of satellites into space to learn more about gravitational waves, or echoes in space-time from huge mergers or cosmic events.

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‘The Expanse’ season 5 launches back onto Amazon Prime Video this week

December 14th, 2020 by

The smash sci-fi series “The Expanse” rockets back onto Amazon Prime Video Wednesday (Dec. 16).

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Only total solar eclipse of 2020 thrills spectators in South America

December 14th, 2020 by

The only total solar eclipse of 2020 dazzled spectators in South America, and some lucked out even as overcast skies threatened to put a damper on an incredible celestial event.

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China’s Chang’e 5 moon lander is no more after successfully snagging lunar rocks

December 14th, 2020 by

China’s Chang’e 5 lander touched down on the moon and collected the first lunar samples in nearly 50 years, but now the lights have gone out.

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Virgin Galactic traces SpaceShipTwo launch abort to bad computer connection

December 14th, 2020 by

A bad computer connection foiled Virgin Galactic’s attempt to reach space over the weekend.

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China’s moon rocks are officially on their way to Earth as Chang’e 5 probe leaves lunar orbit

December 14th, 2020 by

China’s Chang’e 5 orbiter is heading home on the final leg of its mission to collect fresh lunar samples from the moon.

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Total solar eclipse 2020: See the best photos and more from Twitter

December 14th, 2020 by

On Dec. 14, 2020, a total solar eclipse crossed over South America, and Twitter users celebrated.

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US Mint launches sale of new Hubble Space Telescope dollar coin

December 14th, 2020 by

The Hubble Space Telescope stars on a new U.S. coin in celebration of the orbiting observatory’s 30 years as a symbol of ingenuity.

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