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Archive for August, 2023

August full moon: Sturgeon supermoon delights skywatchers worldwide (photos)

August 2nd, 2023 by

Take a look at these stunning Full Sturgeon Moon photographs from around the world. The first of two supermoons this month did not disappoint.

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James Webb Space Telescope captures vibrant details of the Milky Way’s galactic neighbor (photo)

August 2nd, 2023 by

A stunning new image from the James Webb Space Telescope shows the Milky Way’s neighbor, NGC 6822, glowing green and gold while punctuated by bright red and blue stars, revealing its lack of metal.

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NASA’s Psyche mission to metal asteroid undergoes vital testing for October launch

August 2nd, 2023 by

With the completion of a comprehensive flight software test campaign, NASA engineers are “counting down the days” as the metal-rich-asteroid-bound Psyche probe nears its October launch date.

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AI is helping scientists reveal star ages. Here’s how

August 2nd, 2023 by

Trained on a neural network on 6,000 stars, the EAGLES algorithm will be used on surveys of millions more.

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See the moon snuggle up to Saturn in the night sky this week

August 2nd, 2023 by

The moon is set for a close approach to the gas giant Saturn on Wednesday (Aug. 2) and again on Thursday (Aug. 3), at which time the two will also be in conjunction.

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Black hole jet surprises scientists with ‘peculiar’ radio signal

August 2nd, 2023 by

For the first time, astronomers have spotted small-scale super-fast changes in a jet of super-energetic plasma jet blasting out from a small black hole.

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Massive sun ‘umbrella’ attached to asteroid could help fight global warming, scientist says

August 2nd, 2023 by

Hoping to combat our planet’s rising temperatures, a scientist from the University of Hawaii explains a very futuristic way of shielding the Earth from sunlight.

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Mystery of space debris found on Australian beach may be solved

August 2nd, 2023 by

The mystery of a huge piece of space debris that washed up on a beach in Western Australia may have been solved by the Australian Space Agency.

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