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Archive for October 23rd, 2023

Gulf Stream weakening now 99% certain, and ramifications will be global

October 23rd, 2023 by

A new analysis has concluded that the Gulf Stream is definitely slowing, but whether it’s due to climate change is hard to tell.

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Nearby asteroid may contain elements ‘beyond the periodic table’, new study suggests

October 23rd, 2023 by

Naturally occurring superheavy elements beyond those listed in the periodic table could potentially explain why asteroid 33 Polyhymnia is so dense, new research suggests.

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Don’t miss a partial lunar eclipse of October’s Full Hunter’s Moon this week

October 23rd, 2023 by

October 2023’s Full Hunter’s Moon will see the lunar disk slip into the shadow of Earth for a partial lunar eclipse on Saturday, Oct. 28

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What is an attosecond? A physical chemist explains the tiny time scale behind Nobel Prize-winning research

October 23rd, 2023 by

A group of three researchers earned the 2023 Nobel Prize in physics for work that has revolutionized how scientists study the electron – by illuminating molecules with attosecond-long flashes of light.

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The moon may be 40 million years older than we thought, Apollo 17 samples suggest

October 23rd, 2023 by

A new analysis of moon samples brought to Earth in 1972 reveals the moon is 4.46 billion years old.

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‘Sew Sister’ Jean Wright shares her NASA space shuttle experience with new book

October 23rd, 2023 by

Jean Wright used to sew critical hardware for NASA’s space shuttle program. A new book by Elise Matich celebrates the “Sew Sister” team that brought astronauts into space.

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Strange anomaly in sun’s solar cycle discovered in centuries-old texts from Korea

October 23rd, 2023 by

Aurora records in royal chronicles from Korea show that during the ‘Maunder Minimum’ between 1645 and 1715, the sun’s solar cycles became several years shorter than they are today.

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