Satellite News

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Archive for November, 2023

Powerful ‘Cannibal’ solar burst will hit Earth tonight. Widespread auroras predicted

November 30th, 2023 by

A ‘Cannibal’ plasma eruption from the sun will hit Earth on Dec. 1. Scientists predict strong geomagnetic storm conditions and impressive auroras.

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Hubble Space Telescope is in safe mode — but scientists aren’t too worried

November 30th, 2023 by

The Hubble Space Telescope has entered an automatic safe mode due to gyroscope difficulties, but scientists aren’t worried about the observatory’s health.

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Mary Cleave, space shuttle astronaut who led NASA’s science division, dies at 76

November 30th, 2023 by

Mary Cleave, who launched twice on the space shuttle before becoming the first woman to head NASA’s science division, has died. Cleave was the 10th woman to fly in space and spent 11 days in orbit.

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Asteroid Phaethon’s mysterious tail may finally have an explanation

November 30th, 2023 by

Spectral analysis of the mystery asteroid Phaethon reveals its composition at last.

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Our solar system’s planets aren’t weird after all. Exoplanets have tilted orbits, too

November 30th, 2023 by

All solar system planets circle our sun with slightly tilted orbits — and a new study shows even distant planetary systems in quiet neighborhoods have orbital tilts, too.

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Earth-like planets may form even in harsh environments, James Webb Space Telescope finds

November 30th, 2023 by

The James Webb Space Telescope has found water and organic carbon molecules in the vicinity of a massive, active young star.

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Big blob of hot water in Pacific may be making El Niño act weirdly

November 30th, 2023 by

El Niño is in full swing and will likely remain “strong” this winter, but its effect on weather patterns in the U.S. depends on the behavior of an unusually warm blob in the western Pacific, experts say.

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Our neighbor the Andromeda Galaxy shines overhead this week. Here’s how to see it

November 30th, 2023 by

Located at a distance of 2.5 million light-years, the Andromeda Galaxy is readily visible to the unaided eye on dark, clear nights. Here’s where you should look this week.

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