May 13th, 2009 by me
Sunday is football day. No matter how many hours you spend toiling at your nine-to-five job during the seemingly endless workweek, the NFL provides you with exactly what you need before heading back in for another five-day stretch: endless football in front of your high definition TV. Unlike any other sport, football is completely concentrated into a single day of the week. While there are games routinely played on Mondays and some being held on a random Thursday or Saturday throughout the entire length of the season, Sundays are the one and only day where football fans from around the world gather together to cheer on…
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May 13th, 2009 by me
There is a certain ambiguity that every parent feels when it comes to optimizing their home television service and their home entertainment system in general: on the one hand, they are thrilled to be able to enjoy the TV more from a personal standpoint, but from a parent’s perspective they are leery to lure their children into an unmotivated, couch-potato lifestyle. This conflict of interests generally ends up in parents forsaking their aspirations for an improved home television service, though that need not necessarily be the case. What most parents don’t realize is that there are ways to not only amplify the entertainment potential of the TV set…
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May 13th, 2009 by me
There ought to be a sign posted at the entrance of every home where a satellite TV connection has been installed that reads: “Welcome to the future!” Satellite customers have undoubtedly got the most access to the latest and greatest technological (as well as other) perks, at least in terms of those which offer augmented home entertainment opportunities.
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May 13th, 2009 by me
Consumer advocacy is a serious matter, and all across the nation there are uncountable groups that claim to position themselves in defense of consumers and customers of all ages and all sexes and races. Simply put, there is a major force within society that is fully capable and willing to defend the general public interest, and particularly when there is a price associated with a product. All in all, consumers in the US have a much stronger guarantee of having their rights and their interests defended than practically any other country in the world.
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May 13th, 2009 by me
Anybody that has made the smart step of upgrading their home TV service to a satellite TV connection undoubtedly knows the advantages that come with the fix: more high def programming, more regional, national and international channels, more sport coverage, and a better signal quality all around. Of course, there is the added advantage of not having to put up with the bad attitude of just about any and every cable company-notorious for leaving their customers unattended and unsatisfied.
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May 13th, 2009 by
Arianespace’s milestone Ariane 5 flight with two passengers destined for the exploration of deep space has been cleared for its lift-off on 14 May following today’s launch readiness review.
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Category: LAUNCHES |
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May 13th, 2009 by
Additional funding will be assigned for the GLONASS navigation satellite network within the next three years, deputy head of Russia’s Federal Space Agency, Anatoly Shilov, was quoted as saying. Statements by other Russian officials were a bit more cautious.
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Europe acknowledges that Galileo can have military applications
Category: SATELLITES |
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May 13th, 2009 by
The five wheels that still rotate on NASA’s Mars Exploration Rover Spirit have been slipping severely in soft soil during recent attempts to drive, sinking the wheels about halfway into the ground.
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SERVIS-2 fit check with Rokot adapter system successfully performed
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ProtoStar Opens Singapore Office, Appoints President of ProtoStar Asia
ILS, Telesat Canada Sign To Launch Nimiq 5 In ‘09
Category: SATELLITES |
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