Adding Satellite TV to Break Rooms Increases Employee Productivity
Submit on Wednesday, May 18th, 2011 16:06
Long term research studies have been carried out about what kind of workplace environment is the most productive for employees to work in. Although workplaces vary incredibly based on what kind of industry an employer is in and what kind of work they specialize in, there are some generalizations that can be made about creating a productive workplace. Researchers agree that the greatest key to developing productive workers is to make sure they are happy. Generally, research studies show that workers are happy if their employers are able to create a work environment that is welcoming and where there seems to be a strong sense of community. Employers often find that offering their employees a break room that is equipped with fun things that satellite TV is a good option because it gives people a chance to take a break from work. After taking a 30 minute break or so, […]
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