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Archive for October 20th, 2023

A mud lake on Mars might be hiding signs of life in chaotic terrain

October 20th, 2023 by

Martian biosignatures might be lurking in an ancient mud lake on the Red Planet, a new study suggests. But a landing mission is needed to confirm the satellite study.

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NASA tests new kind of Artemis moon-rocket engine in dramatic ‘hot fire’ test (video)

October 20th, 2023 by

NASA wants to fly a better design of engine for its upcoming Artemis moon missions. The first of a 12-part series of engine tests kicked off Oct. 17 with a firing that lasted for more than nine minutes.

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Snake-like magnetic fields on the sun bring scientists closer to solving a major solar mystery

October 20th, 2023 by

Magnetic snake-like energy patterns could bring scientists a step closer to solving a lingering solar mystery: how the outer atmosphere of the sun can be tremendously hotter than its lower layers.

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The search for extraterrestrial intelligence gets a new home at Oxford

October 20th, 2023 by

The Breakthrough Listen initiative has moved its headquarters to the U.K. to take advantage of the reams of data set to come from the Square Kilometer Array.

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James Webb Space Telescope spots jet stream on Jupiter stronger than a Category 5 hurricane

October 20th, 2023 by

The JWST’s perspective on our solar system has offered us the 1st evidence of a superfast Jovian jet stream.

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Record-breaking radio burst could help us find the universe’s missing matter

October 20th, 2023 by

An 8 billion-year-old Fast Radio Burst could help astronomers solve the mystery of the universe’s missing matter.

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Astronauts embark on a surreal survival odyssey in new series ‘Scavengers Reign’ (exclusive)

October 20th, 2023 by

An exclusive interview with Joe Bennet, co-creator and director of the new animated series “Scavengers Reign” that follows a group of astronauts stranded on a strange alien world.

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