Satellite News

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Satellite TV Provides Budget Entertainment in a Tough Economy

Submit on Monday, November 8th, 2010 19:41

These days, many American families are having to cut back in just about every aspect of their spending habits and in their lives. They are reevaluating each and every expense that they routinely make, wondering whether or not it is truly a necessity, or just another area of bloat that needs to be eliminated. They are asking themselves the tough questions, day in and day out. Do they really need to fly all the way out to Seattle for their cousin’s wedding, a person they have not seen since their grandmother’s funeral in 2003? Can they really afford a new winter parka, or can they get through one more long, hard Boston winter wearing that down ski jacket they got at Bloomingdale’s a few years back? Is taking a cab home from the office after a late-night work project really worthwhile, or should they suck it up and wait for […]

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